2013. december 12., csütörtök

Review on Rear Window

            Rear Window is an American suspense thriller film, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It is considered to be one of Hitchcock’s best films and it was also my favourite one during the semester.
            First of all, I really adored the setting, maybe because of the fact that I could relate to it. I am living in a block of flats and their is another opposite our house. Sometimes when I am bored (definitely not during the last two weeks of the semester) I open the window and stare at other people’s windows, just like Jeff in the movie. I think most people are curious, they like to know what is going on around them and they like to know how others live – even if they do not know them. A few years ago me and my brother literally spendt the whole summer in his window. It was a really fun activity, especially at night when a lot of things happened in the other house and also on the streets. We were just like Jeff, although we did not notice a crime (unfortunately).
            Besides the setting, I also liked the main characters especially their appearance. I find James Stewart really handsome and Grace Kelly is a gorgeous woman. However I did not enjoy Jeff’s personality too much, mostly because of the fact that he constantly refused Lisa’s approach. It seemed that he only found her interesting when she climbed to the criminal’s apartment. He was a little bit selfish and ego-centric for me, but it is OK.
            I also liked the other characters and the personality types they represented. The beautiful ballerina dancer attracted a lot of men but she was unhappy because she could not find true love. Neither did Miss Lonelyhearts who seemingly had a miserable life. In the end she even wants to commit suicide, but the melody of the music composer saves her life (how good is that?! Congrats Mr. Hitchcock). There were also two couples, the one who just got married and another one who lived together for ages and who had a really boring life.
            The main plot of the story – solving a crime – was also entertaing. I liked the way Jeff, Lisa and the other elder woman tried to put every little detail together in order to find the truth. The end was also exciting and amusing, especially when Thorwald appeared in Jeff’s apartment and when he tried to extrude him out of the window.         
           All in all, I enjoyed every moment of this movie and I will definitely watch it again.

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